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How can I set up Livestock farming ?

You can contact District Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Officer at District level, Veterinary officers of Blocks and Dispensaries. They will guide you in establishing your farm.

Can I get Financial support?

Yes, you will be guided to prepare a project to be submitted to financial institutions for financing the project.

Is there any schemes from Government for poor farmers?

Yes, There are Budget Announcement subsidy Schemes like Arun Pig Development Scheme (APDS) and Chief Minister White Revolution Schemes (CMWRS). Subsidy based schemes are also taken up under Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana (RKVY). You may contact the Nodal Officers at Directorate office or respective District Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Officers in district.

Can animals carry diseases be transmitted to humans ?

Yes, they can. Diseases passed from animals to humans are called "zoonotic" diseases.

Are these diseases deadly?

Some disease like rabies, Anthrax are deadly. Many others are not, but can still make you sick.

What is the risk that I or my children will become infected?

The risk is low, if you use good hygiene and keep your pet healthy.

Are certain animals more likely to carry these diseases?

Yes, but any animal (or pet) can carry disease if they become infected. However, healthy pets of any species are less likely to be infected and pass the infection to you.

Should I even get a pet, if there's any risk it could give me a disease?

Pets provide many benefits for people, including companionship and protection, and pet ownership is a very rewarding experience. Many pet owners consider their pets to be members of their families.

The decision to get a pet is a personal decision, and should be based on a number of factors, including your family's lifestyle, living arrangements, and others. Although the possibility of disease is an important factor to think about, the risk is low and often considered to be outweighed by the benefits of pet ownership. Additionally, there are many simple things you can do to minimize your risk.

How can I prevent my pet from making me sick?

There are many simple steps you can take to prevent your pet and your family from getting sick.

  • First of all, healthy pets are much less likely to carry diseases that can infect you. Taking your pet to the veterinarian for regular check-ups, vaccinations, and deworming is a simple way to keep them healthy. Keeping your pets free of fleas and ticks is also important. If you are buying a pet, don't purchase a pet that looks ill or unhealthy.
  • Don't handle your pet's stool or urine. Wear disposable gloves (or gloves that can easily be disinfected) when cleaning the cat's litter box, and use a scooper or something to cover your hand when picking up after your dog.
  • Clean up after your pet. Keep your cat's litter box clean, and keep your yard free of dog waste.
  • After handling your pet, or its food or bedding, or cleaning up after your pet (even if you were wearing gloves), thoroughly wash your hands. This is especially important before you eat anything. Make sure children know to wash their hands after contact with any animal, or wash your children's hands for them if they are not able to do it.
  • Don't let your pets (or children, for that matter) come in contact with stray or wild animals. These animals are much more likely to have diseases that can infect your pet and possibly infect you.
  • Don't let your pets lick you in the mouth, and teach children not to put their mouths on animals or put any part of the animal's body in their mouth.
  • Keep your family healthy. If the people in the family are healthy, they are less likely to be infected, even if the pet becomes infected, because their immune systems are healthy.

I'm thinking of getting a pet, but I have young children. What's the best pet to get? Should I get a pet at all?

Getting a pet is not a decision that should be made lightly. It is a big responsibility. It is very important to get a pet that best fits your family's lifestyle and needs. Consult your Veterinarian for information on pet selection.

I have questions about a specific type of pet. Where should I go?

Your veterinarian is the best source of information about pets.

Is poultry Farming Profitable?

Yes, Poultry farming is one of the most profitable business. You get back your investment with profit within 60 days.

Is vaccination required in Animals,pets and birds?

Yes, Vaccination is important to prevent your animals, pets and chicken from diseases. They are usually given as per Vaccination schedule. You should consult your Veterinary Doctor for advice.